

Our Training is  …. G.R.E.A.T

  • Goal Oriented
  • Results Based
  • Experiential & Enjoyable
  • Affordable
  • Thorough!

CALCOL is committed to providing resources that are certified and actively practicing the disciplines for several years.


Course Design

Courses are scheduled to minimize time away from the day to day activities.

To achieve learning objectives and maximize student participation, course information is administered through varied activities such as lecture, case study, group discussion and role play.

Instructors are practitioners and use live examples in the classroom encouraging interaction and sharing of peer experiences.  Factors that have proven to be a success.

Courses are at most 2 days long, with a minimum class size of 5 and maximum 15 participants.  This allows for variety in contributions and support for group work.

Training is customized where necessary, to cater to your specific need, at minimal cost.